Red Dead Wiki

Juan Vargas is a Multiplayer character featured in Red Dead Redemption.


Juan Vargas is one of the Miscellaneous Mexicans characters who can be selected in the Outfitter. His character model is available at Multiplayer Level 1.

Along with Jose Rodriguez, he is one of the two playable Miscellaneous Mexicans in the Mexican Army. Vargas is a typically untidily-dressed Mexican soldier, with his shirt hanging open and a dirty red vest underneath.


  • "¿Me da de cara con estos pinches idiotas?-(Im facing with these fucking idiots?)"
  • "¡Aqui estoy! Quien quiere pelear conmigo, cobardes!-(Here I am! Who wants to fight me, cowards!)"
  • "¡Carajo!, ¿qué cara de culo que tienes?-(Fuck! what you got, arse face?)"
  • "¡Son todos unos bichos asquerosos!-(They're all filthy vermin!)"
  • "Idiota ignorante, ¡como me das asco!-(Ignorant idiot, you disgust me!)"
  • "Bicho insignificante. ¿Te atreves a confrontarme o qué?-(Insignificant vermin, you dare confront me or what?)"
  • "¡Mira que cara de bicho tienen estos idiotas!-(Look at that face, these idiots are vermin!)"
  • "¡Mira que asquerosos son estos imbéciles!-(Look at how filty these morons are!)"
  • "Cobardes, a ver quién se atreve a confrontarme.-(Cowards, to see who dares to confront)"


  • Juan wears an American Army shirt.
  • He is the only multiplayer character with a rifle/shotgun holster.
  • He uses the same character model as Carlitos Borrego.
RDRstub.jpg Hey there, cowboy. This article looks a little bit small.
I reckon you could impress me by contributing to it. Don't be shy now.