Red Dead Wiki

An absolutely easy way to get Sharpshooter Level 5 is to just use Phosphorous Bullets. They are a one hit kill anywhere on a zombies body. All you have to do is find five or more zombies in the same general area, then use phosphorous bullets and go to town, shooting as many as you can. Five is definitely enough but they take a short while to burn and die. However, don't worry if you don't get anything right after you shoot the fifth zombie dead. It has to burn a bit before it is considered "killed", but it's still considered sniper kills and congrats, you have your Mauser and Carcano Rifle! 22:30, November 11, 2010 (UTC) Morter

The tip under rank 4 needs to be removed. Cannons cannot be used while in dead eye. 02:01, December 23, 2010 (UTC)

Well, I got it using a cannon, of course no dead eye, but I completed rank 4 with a cannon. RogierWV (talk) 16:50, August 21, 2012 (UTC)