Red Dead Wiki

CBandJIM CBandJIM 7 July 2010

Red Dead Gold Medal Standards

Hey All,

After struggling to get gold medals in all 56 missions sans any sort of list of requirements from RockStar, I thought these numbers might help.

These figures represent ONLY the results that I achieved and are not THE standards. It seems as if the games scores on a sliding system. For example, if your time is faster than that listed below on a given mission, you may not need as high accuracy or headshot figures as high as those listed below. That's the basic logic so far as I can tell, I'll leave it up to you to figure the rest out.

If you have any questions on a particular mission, please make a post. I will get back to you as fast as possible with the best answer possible. Hopefully, this will help some of you out.

Without further ad…

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